Atomic Faraday Cages: Unified Theory of Neutrons

Faraday cages block electromagnetic waves and that's why we can't see neutrons.

 Faraday cages neutralize incoming and outgoing electromagnetic waves. Faraday cages are also called Faraday shields, RF (radio frequency) cages, or EMF (electromotive force) cages. The interior of your microwave oven is a Faraday cage.
 Faraday cages interrupt electromagnetic waves in several different ways. First off, there is lensing. Lensing occurs because electromagnetic waves travel different speeds in different materials. When wave energy is absorbed by copper, for instance, the speed of that wave reduces from 299,792,458 meters per second or 'c'  to ~191,867,173 meters per second or 0.64c.   Because of this, large parts of the wave energy are delayed almost one half of a cycle, resulting in the second reason for signal destruction by a Faraday cage: Interferometry. Interferometry occurs when part of a wave is delayed, while part of the wave is not. If half of the energy of a wave is delayed 50% of one wavelength, then the two halves of the wave (+ and -) directly overlap resulting in zero net charge. Zero output. No wave. Energy has been destroyed – the wave has been grounded to itself.   
 The most famous instances of use of interferometry include the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 and the present-day facility known as LIGO – the Laser Interferometry Gravitational wave Observatory. Michelson and Morley measured the speed of light on Earth at different times and in different locations and found that the speed of light was constant all the time – the same speed in every direction. LIGO uses interferometers more than a kilometer long to detect celestial collisions of very heavy objects.
 But not all of the energy that is absorbed by the Faraday cage is passed through and lensed. There are more reasons why a Faraday cage interrupts electromagnetic transmission.
 Induction. When an electromagnetic wave affects an object – especially a metallic object – much of that energy may be capacitated as electrons. The electromagnetic wave is transformed into electrical energy. In technology, this is frequently done with antennae and – using the same principles – solar panels.
 Typical of a Faraday cage arrangement, solar panels block light. If a Faraday cage were built of solar panels, no light would get in. No electromagnetic wavelength larger than light would get in. It would block all radio signals and cellular phone frequencies. Very small waves such as gamma-rays might still get through.
 So a Faraday cage slows part of the wave signal through lensing, destroys much of the signal through interferometry, and captures much of the energy through induction. That induction adds up.   
 Since the Faraday cage is three dimensional, different parts of that cage are getting different parts of incoming wavelengths. That means that some parts of the cage are getting charged positive while other parts of the cage are getting charged negative.
 These being electrical charges, they ground out to each other inside the metal and, through interferometry, destroy much of the energy. From the remaining energy, heat is created. The incoming electromagnetic wave was transformed into electricity, then the electricity was transformed into heat, then that heat gets emitted as infrared light at 299,792,458 meters per second in all directions.
 So how is a neutron a proton with a Faraday cage?
 Consider how an electron microscope works. An electron microscope focuses alternating electromagnetic waves on an object. Electrons only occur very near an atomic nucleus. When electrons occur, they are distinct particles having mass. They are immobile. Not only that, but, they are neutral to the field, so they can not be detected electromagnetically. When the field charge shifts, however, they are no longer neutral, instantly become unstable, and then explode.
 The explosion of the electron is what an electron microscope detects. When an electron explosion occurs, electromagnetic energy is broadcast in every direction at 299,792,458 meters per second. One of the directions that that energy goes is to the (solar panel) detector of the electron microscope. By seeing where electrons occurred, the electron microscope can photograph objects to subatomic sizes. But not neutrons.
 Neutrons cannot be photographed (directly) by an electron microscope because neutrons do not cause any electrons. You can shoot that microscope at it all day long, and it won't get any electrons going. Without any electrons popping, the electron microscope doesn't see anything.
 Why can't it see anything? Why no electrons?
 Electrons occur only in the very dense field near an atomic nucleus. Near a proton. When you get two or more protons in proximity, the dense fields they generate overlap, overload, and some of that collective field collapses.   
 The field may be thought of as gases, gases which, experiencing too much gravity, collapse to a super-critical state. They still behave as gases, but the density of the super-critical fluid (SCF) is 300-900 times the density of the gas. Super-critical fluids exist as a form of plasma. SCFs transmit electricity. SCFs capacitate electricity.
 So when a proton gets encapsulated in a SCF field it becomes a neutron. The proton sits in the middle of a conductive, inductive, self-grounding field. A Faraday cage. The super-critical field cannot form an electron. The electron is a particle which capacitates a portion of electromagnetic energy. But when that electromagnetic energy affects a SCF field, the field is conductive instead of resistive and the field itself capacitates the energy.
 That means that instead of one little particle with charge forming somewhere, the whole field absorbs the charge – the electromagnetic wave. And when the field dispels any remaining energy, it is not emitted as electron charges.
 And this field has that effect on both sides. The proton inside the SCF field will not be detected through the SCF field.
 A neutron is a proton inside a super-critical fluid field, and that super-critical fluid field is a Faraday cage.
 When a neutron is liberated from an atom, it becomes a proton (with electron cloud) in 14 minutes. In other words, it takes 14 minutes for the liberated protons SCF 'atmosphere' to evaporate away. 

James O Harris

November 8, 2019
